This thread is for people who have already seen The Last Jedi. DO NOT SPOIL THIS MOVIE FOR YOURSELF. Watch the movie first then come back here.

Wow. That movie was great. It felt like the second and third parts of the trilogy squashed together. So much great stuff to chew on. I absolutely was not expecting one of the many major deaths here. This movie had twists and turns beyond what I was expecting, although the final twist was pretty easy to figure out if you noticed that the hair was noticeably darker.

Poe's journey from cocky flyboy to what, I assume, will be the new leader of the Resistance was very nicely played. It's a shame that Leia won't get to finish out her truncated storyarc, but, if this is indeed her final appearance as the character, it is certainly a nice way to go out. Her scene out in space is breathtaking. A shame they won't be able to follow up on it in live action. Hopefully, animation or the books flesh this out more.

Rose Tico is a revelation. Nice to see the people on the fringes of this sprawling space opera get some long overdue attention. Her relationship with Finn felt genuine and earned. I also thought Finn's character arc worked wonderfully. I'm glad he didn't suddenly go from self-centered deserter to paragon of virtue. He's still that same conflicted guy from Force Awakens.

Luke, Rey and Ben are really the beating heart of this movie and I think they managed to pull off a particularly tricky series of story beats and flashbacks with real weight and emotion. I know some fans will hate it, but I found it completely satisfying.

Really looking forward to seeing how people react to this movie.