
I came across your forum and wanted to inquire with people who know this stuff. Our dad recently passed away in Vienna and while going through BOXES of stuff, he had many comics and one was this one, in great condition, no tears, water marks, or anything. Staples are all intact and pages are almost white, close to it. We do NOT know comics or anything at all and are dependent on if we should just throw this away.

Love to hear back on. Thanks a ton! I think I attached the cover though I'm not sure. Here is some info on the World War II historic stamp that is on the front if you can even see the comic. Not sure if my email is listed, but go ahead and email me if need be. Again, were very new this on every level. This item was bought during Austria’s occupation by allied forces after WWII. The stamp reading at the top 15c US ZONE means that this item was bought in the US occupied portion of Vienna Austria. What makes this unique is only a certain number of these have the 15c US ZONE stamp on them. This is a relic literally of World War 2 so it not only has significance with comic book collectors, but also WWII collectors. It also gives you a more precise place as to where this was bought. Austria became a sovereign country in 1955, so during that time in Vienna you will see this stamp on some comic books.

