This is the potential face offs of the 2020s at some point from Marvel and DC movies Though I think the superhero genre is on the way out. I truly believe Steven Spielberg when he compared it to westerns. at the same time we are moving to a new phrase that could be a way to limit the saturation of these movies. MCU has X-Men, DC has kind of a Christopher Nolan successor back as Zack Snyder hangs in the towels.

There is a good chance the first MCU X-Men movie will come out around the same time as the new Batman Movies written and directed by Matt Reeves. What are the chances of the MCU X-MEN been better? the chances look very slim. Will fun, gags spectacles, big budget, little substance MCU X-Men be a true match for the more serious, human direct approach and theme based Batman movies if they are released the same year? or are we going to have another Iron Man and The Dark Knight moment in 2008. And the aftermath and the consequences, Will MCU X-Men survive when they are put to the question of how the DC new Batman was what an X-Men movie should have been like and not what MCU made, something likely similar to Guardians of the Galaxy than X-Men? how much of a threat and a art house challenge will MCU X-Men be after they follow the overused gaged up marvel formula to a inimitable craftsman work of Batman as we know DC is going to be. it's Batman after all.

Am a big fan of X-Men and I am already getting the right instincts that I will end up loving the the new Batman movies over the MCU X-Men movies since I already love the planet of the apes trilogy more than all the MCU movies. Are there any xmen fans that feel the same way just based on what we know so far.