Quote Originally Posted by bat39 View Post
Again, considering what you've just written...does DC really have any incentive to 'go political' when it comes to Superman?
Well, my point really is that I don't think there's really an incentive to keep him apolitical beyond that being the path of least resistance and the easiest approach. Low risk, low reward, as it were. I think Superman could (emphasis on "could") work perfectly fine in a more political vein. Higher risk, higher reward. It depends, really, on how DC handled it. Now, with the current management and distribution models and the audience DC has managed to garner, it's a very high risk. But the counterpoint to that is the potential reward; Ms. Marvel is, by the standards of comics, brand spanking new, and she's already had a pretty huge impact on pop culture precisely because of her socio-political statements. And Superman is the OG guy here; he was hunting down corrupt businessmen and politicians and talking about equal rights long before anyone else in the genre. He found success by being quasi-political before, there's no reason he couldn't do so again. Even if it pissed off some established fans.

All Im saying is that I think there's a path to success for a more politically minded Superman (not that it would necessarily be more successful), and the fact that WB/DC keeps him mostly apolitical isn't proof that a political approach couldn't work. It's just the easy, safe approach you'd expect a bunch of corporate suits to settle on.

Your analysis is interesting! Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if Clark Kent's politics are quiet close to what you've describe.

The operative phrase here being 'Clark Kent'.
Oh absolutely; Superman saves everyone, it doesn't matter who you vote for. But I also think there's an avenue for Clark to pursue a more focused objective as well. Let's consider immigration; considering Clark's history the guy must have an opinion on the topic. What that might be is neither here nor there, but he's got an opinion on the matter. And he might very well believe that it is his moral responsibility to take some form of action. In fact, he has done just that, and in recent history. The entire town of Hamilton is populated by illegal aliens and Clark helped them keep their presence quiet after the whole Black story.