Also just to cover all my bases when it comes to this whole "is Jon not straight" thing, I remembered a few more things that could be read as clues.

- In September of last year Bendis randomly tweeted this out with no context and cropped pretty specifically

- In the Legion book Jon's mostly seen talking to two characters. Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5. And as we've come to learn, a relationship between Saturn Girl and Jon isn't going happen. But over with Brainy they've built up a bit of a back and forth. And if this is the "Ultimate" (as in Ultimate Spider-Man) take on the Legion like Bendis has said, then it stands to reason that this may be sort of riff on the Supergirl and Brainy romance?

- And with the above picture some what influencing me, one could assume there's a possible romance in the future for Jon and Ultra Boy. Thematically Bendis is even kind of making them opposite numbers. Ultra Boy's dad holds great political power on his world and in the United Planets. Clark will soon be president of Earth and he currently holds power and sway in the United Planets. But where Ultra Boy came to the Legion almost in protest of his family, Jon came to the Legion in honor of his family.


- Again, could totally be wrong. That picture Bendis posted could be there as a tease for possible animosity between Jon and Ultra Boy. Classically, Ultra Boy's dad and he come to the past mess with Superboy for some test. The "Ultimate" version of that could be that Ultra Boy's dad tries to get him to betray the Legion and Jon, having extensive experience with the worlds best dad and the worlds worst, steps in and that's the extent of it.

- Brainiac 5 may end up being the future equivalent of Jon's Jimmy Olsen just like in the Legion of Super-Heroes cartoon show rather than a love interest for Jon.

Again, I'm just leaving all of this out here in the open as things that can be read a number of ways. If it sways you one way or the other, come to your own conclusions now, and then wait and see once Wednesday gets here.