Every attempt to find a real world equivalent to the dichotomy Superman/Clark Kent is inevitably destined to failure because there isn't an equivalent in real life. It's something which exists only in the world of fiction, or - to say it better - in the minuscule fraction of the world of fiction which are Superman comic books. Or maybe kid's series like Hanna Montana.

Mentioning privacy in this case is laughable. Superman is the most famous public figure in the DCU, and he doesn't wear any mask. He flies and he wears a huge S. He WANTS to be recognizable. And Clark Kent doesn't wear any real disguise. It's just a funny, naively childish concept which was elaborated when facial recognition didn't exist and comic books were even more simplistic than they are now. If Superman were created today and they wanted to preserve the Clark Kent/Superman thing it should be completely rethought - maybe they could make Clark a reclusive, agoraphobic journalist who rarely interacts with anyone and sends his works by e-mail or something like that. I really don't think that Bendis could be blamed for triyng to make the concept evolve a bit since the 1930s.