It's another Wednesday, and that means new comics are releasing! In these weekly threads we vote on our faves and maybe chat about whatever we want, join in!

Last week's poll was... pretty dire let's say. Nothing really drew many votes resulting in a first-time FIVE-WAY draw haha. Congratulations to The Beauty #19, Hack/Slash: Resurrection #4, Outcast #33, Realm #5, and Underwinter: Field of Feathers #4 --all well deserved!

That said though, this week is pretty busy in contrast! Let's start with a rundown of all the particularly notable releases: Coyotes ends its first storyline, Extremity hits its penultimate issue ever, I Hate Fairyland begins a new storyline (the fourth one already), Kingsman: The Red Diamond wraps up its storyline - just in time for someone at a movie studio to give it a peek surely! Paper Girls has another season finale, with the last chance for the heroines to escape that wretched year 2000. Rock Candy Mountain concludes this week as expected, Snotgirl begins a new two-parter storyline, The Walking Dead continues with its New World Order storyline...
Oh and Seven To Eternity also reprints its second issue as an Image Giant Sized Artist's Proofs Edition. I thiiiiink that might be a first? Usually these reprints are just issue 1 of a given series!

Is that it? Nuh-uh, we also get 4 new releasing books this week.
1. Get Naked is not an order (although, hey, it's a free world, you do you), but rather a graphic novel collection you CAN order. It contains 19 stories by different cartoonists like SEAGLE, all pretty raw, unflinching stuff regarding the relationship we have with our bodies, nudity, etc. Not one for the prude I imagine, but this isn't purely dour stuff either - think of stories about being naked and eaten by a raw fish in a Tokyo restaurant, not recognising Hollywood celebrities in the nude, etc.

2. Twisted Romance is here just in time for that month of romance, February. Every week this month, Alex de Campi and a host of other creators (Sarah Horrocks, Katie Skelly, Magen Cubed) are releasing this anthology style romance series which is bound to have a nasty twist or two. First issue is out this week, and the coming weeks the other 3 will release. Cool to see weekly comics at Image too.

3. Ivan Brandon's new series is called VS.. With Esad Ribic (Uncanny X-Men) and Nic Klein (Drifter) on art duties, this paints a satirical picture of a world where war has become the latest televised spectator sport. Armies march into football stadiums, competing for glory, cash, likes, retweets, and ya know, their lives. If this isn't about our twisted, self-defeating desire for fame, then I'm a millionaire vlogger.

4. The Wicked + The Divine 1923 is the latest one-shot of the WicDiv series, this time set in, well, 1923. Jazz age gods! Aud Koch on art! Styled like an Agathie Christie "locked room murder mystery"! Looks like a home-run already, before it's even seen publication.

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