Robert Venditti and Bryan Hitch will be working on the new Hawkman solo spinning out of Metal.

[Metal] has really elevated Carter Hall/Hawkman (Katar Hol), and brought him back to the DC universe in an [exciting] way,” Venditti told The Washington Post’s Comic Riffs. “That’s really what Bryan and I’s vision for the series is as well.”

“Hawkman is a foundational character in the DCU,” he added. “Over time I think he’s lost some of that central importance to the DC universe, and we really want to bring that back and make him a marquee character,” Venditti said. “And to do that we’re going to take him to a lot of unexpected, unexplored places and introduce a lot of new mythology for the character.”

“The Winged Man is such a significant and powerful image in myth and legend,” Hitch said. “That’s exactly the element Hawkman fits best. It’s such a unique image to play with from the Bird of Prey to the Angel, the winged man is genuinely awesome in the truest sense,” Hitch said. “Carter [Hawkman] is the DCU’s greatest warrior, but he’s also part of its secret history. All of that gives you such a rich visual tapestry as an artist to play with.”