Yeah. He's quite a charmer. It's fascinating how well he fit into both ToD and DoC, especially with the dark judges in a flask moment haha.

Really feels like Origins, ToD, DoC and Dark Justice will come together in a similar way as Cursed earth/Day the law died and Block Mania/Apocalypse war did.

The time bomb trick never grows old. It alone should'v warranted a couple of Strontium dog movies by now. Can't understand why for example Jean-Pierre Jeunet or Terri Gilliam haven't picked it up yet. Would be perfect.

At least Edgar Wright gave it a mention on twitter, that out of the 2000AD stuff he'd adapt SD if he got a shot. Wouldn't mind if he and Simon Pegg got to do it. Portrait of a mutant, Rage and Blood moon/Life and death would make one epic trilogy.

Really wonder if Johnny pulled it through after L&D, if there'll be more. I wouldn't mind if it did, but also if it didn't. The open ending fits Johnny's tragedy well, similar to the crocodile ending in Button man: Killer killer.