It's that time again folks! Let's jump right in.

  1. The issue starts with the preview. Cassie in the mansion, Jean telling Gabby to get Trinary clear from the sentinel.
  2. From there Kurt and Laura do their thing, and so does Gabby and Trinary... until Gabby is blasted by the sentinel and, to Trinary, appears dead.
  3. This pisses Trinary the heck off, and instead of getting clear she takes control of the sentinel and literally makes it sit the heck down!
  4. Gabby's fine, tho, ofc. She has to push her guts back up in side of her stomach though.
  5. Trinary took control of the Sentinel and basically neutered it, forcing it to sit down and making it so that the 'blast and kill' aspect of it is kind of... gone.
  6. As she worries about the humans that Jean couldn't put to sleep she asks if they can get to her, and when Jean assures her that they shouldn't, Trinary says that the reason Jean couldn't reach their minds is kind of simple: there are sentinels, little teeny ones, in their brains. More advanced than the one she took down earlier and that she would need time to dismantle, but time is exactly what they don't have.
  7. They wonder for a sec how they're gonna get out of there, and... Jean has Trinary use the Sentinel. They escape India by Sentinel! Oh, and Jean says that Trinary can keep him.
  8. They have a chat on the way to Wakanda about who turned Trinary in, and it turns out that her father actually did do it. There's a really nice scene between Jean and Trinary about facing rejection, especially the rejection of the people who are supposed to love them the most. Trinary asks Jean if she still thinks that her vision at the UN is possible, and Jean assures her that she does, just that there are a few more obstacles in the way than expected. Trinary explains that it's not just an obstacle, it's systemic: someone is programming humans to hate mutants. Well, I mean, we know what that is.
  9. Meanwhile in Louisiana we catch up with Gambit and a mutant named Cara coming face to face with a mob of humans. Cara tries to talk some sense into them but they go to attack with literal tiki torches but Remy gets in the way, charging the tips of each torch and making them go boom!
  10. Ofc that's not enough either. One of them pulls a gun on Remy, and there's a shoot out: the man shoots his gun and Remy throws a card. It seems like the man is the one that gets hit, and that he missed his target, but...
  11. Remy was not his target. Cara was. And he hit it, it becomes clear, as she lays dying in her friend's arms despite Gambit's best efforts.
  12. Back with the group, they're nearly back to Wakanda - and Gabby does the classic 'are we there yet' bit, much to Kurt's chagrin.
  13. Trinary asks if anyone in Wakanda knows they're coming in on a Sentinel, and Jean says she'll reach out to T'Challa and let him know, but Laura realizes something.
  14. There's something over Wakanda. A storm - but not just a Storm...
  15. It is Storm, floating in Wakana airspace and summoning the mother of all storms, saying that she must protect Wakanda.
  16. She shoots down NuRover, and that's where the issue ends!

Another solid issue. I think most of us knew that it was going to be Storm that Cassandra took over, and I'm excited to see where it goes next. Taylor does pretty well with the action. I'm interested in seeing how Remy joins up with the rest of the team.

Oh, and! Next issue's cover is Laura, and it's pretty good.