I've been watching the old tv show Alien nation (which is awesome btw), and had a crazy idea.

what if, instead of the skrulls doing their secret invasion, instead ended up having the remains of their people high tail it to earth...and immediately applied for citizenship under a un charter.

1. would you give them their own plot of land ...if so where, or would it be on marvel earth?

2. would you give them citizen ship of your country? If so, which cities would be most likely to have high skrull populations.

3. which skrulls would play a part in this integration? Would you have metahuman skrulls like super skrull join the avengers?

4. which movers and shakers would be allied to the skrulls?

5. which movers and shakers would be enemies of these fledgling communities.

6. how would their culture, technology affect the planet as a whole?

7. would you want a skrull dating your offpring? :P