Hello, my name is Rebecca and I like Marvel. My knowledge is limited though, due to lack of funds (Gotta eat!). I have watched a lot of the movies (excluding the most recent ones), watched everything I can find on Netflix.... and that is about it. I follow fuckyeadeadpool on Tumblr and I think I fell in love with the awesomeness that is Deadpool. But, I can't find anything on him! Usually I read manga, and there are plenty of websites where I can find scans of whatever I'm into, but I can't find shit for Wade! T_T I really would like to know more than's on Wikipedia... Does anyone know of a website that has Marvel Comics? And if I have to suck it up and spend some cash, where should I start? Same for the free comics too I suppose... Sorry, I'm rambling... Can you help or is it a lost cause?