As a result of further discussion about the events that rolled out of BP #172, Storm was reaffirmed as an African Goddess by way of Wakandan faith. (It was confirmed several issues prior in Black Panther #17) But more than that, we (and Storm) are basically talked through the process. It's important to note that Storm was brought into the series at issue #13. Black Panther #172 is technically issue #24, but Legacy renumbering kicked in at #19. So, we are essentially discussing a year long run of Storm development and her relationship as it pertains to T'Challa and Wakanda. Year long.

Anywho, during this time there are many recurring themes about their relationship and the bond they share. Starting with issue #13 Date Night there were very intimate moments, tender kisses and quiet confessions. There was this yearning on both their parts to just be open with one another about what they meant to each other despite what they meant to the world around them. Their love was on full display. Even during the times when T'Challa couldn't quite find the words to say, Storm still knew his heart. They both understand the idea of keeping their composure for the sake of peace around them. They both understand what it means have the weight of an entire people on your back. They understand what it means to inspire faith in the people that willingly follow their lead.

For some reason Storm is the only person he feels comfortable letting his guard down around. But even then, his pride won't let him be too vulnerable around her. He desires nothing more than to be the man he feels she deserves. So, understandably, he keeps some emotions very hidden so as not to be too weak in front of the woman that chose him.

Moving on, it's heavily implied through out this time that T'Challa plays mind games, he's a excellent manipulator and he plays the game multiple steps ahead. He knows what he's talking about. He knows what's happening. And he's prepared to take the necessary action to see it handled. Multiple characters call him on being a smart ass. He's insufferable with it.

As this final issue wraps we find out that the new/old god Sefako that was plaguing Wakanda is, in fact, The Adversary. (It's important to note as well, that this is the second time that Storm has faced this villain. The first time was with another man that proposed to Storm. His name is Forge. Connection.) It's revealed that T'Challa knew all along who Sefako was even though everyone was thought to be in the dark about this new terror in the realm. Black Panther knew who The Adversary was. He was aware of Storm's last meeting with him. And he heavily emphasizes how much her power is what's need to not only stop him, but dwarf him in power. T'Challa clearly refers to beating this new/old god by bringing in an EVEN BIGGER GOD. Just to reiterate, BP is in full control because he knows what's happening because he's an insufferable know it all that has arranged for all the right pieces to be on the board in order to utterly defeat The Adversary. He's done his homework.

Barring other confirmations and realizations, like Storm being given the title of Hadari Yao by Wakandans now making her an unofficial protector of the land. Or the fact that Orisha have disappeared now make Storm the ONLY African deity in place. Or the fact that Coates has now successfully written his name in history books as the first man to write her in a year long story arc that not only gives her greater connections to other black folks of the MU, he also made it canon that she has access to her godhead by way of her bloodline and African heritage. And that heritage is something GREATER THAN ANY MUTATION. The issue wraps with BP revealing that he knew everything before he even asked her back into his life. He knew who Sefako was. He knew what it would take to beat him. And he knew just who to get. He needed Storm's power. But so much more than her power, he heeded HER back in his life. So instead of being forthright, he played his cards close to the vest (like usual) and he didn't tell her the whole truth. It is then revealed that Storm is aware that he was lying or not being completely honest. She was aware because she knows him. They know each other. There is also precedent of Storm having a deep and intimate knowledge of the type of man he is going back to World's Apart. In their final fight in the jungle surrounding Wakanda, Storm manages to get the upper hand on BP. As she's standing over him and he's on his knees, he asks her "help me up". Storm knocks him out because as she says "T'Challa, the Black Panther, does not ask for help".

With all that said, and the realization that T'Challa has a history of lying to Storm, it was brought to my attention that During AvX, Shuri was Queen of Wakanda. That meant this sister was rightful ruler and Black Panther by right.

So this begs the question, if Shuri was the rightful Black Panther, then who is the high priest of the Panther Clan, because it isn't T'Challa? So did he lie when he told Storm that the high priest annulled the marriage? Who exactly is the high priest? And is it possible that BP was repeating his pattern of behavior of lying to Storm only for this to be one of the times she believes him? Are they technically still married?