Quote Originally Posted by Quasar's Bands View Post
How about merely EXPANDING the Quantum Band universe to a few characters?
I've wanted this since Mar-Vell and Wendell both had some type of powered wristbands, whether Nega or Quantum. The thing is, Marvel is stuck on the Novas being the Green Lanterns of Marvel, as opposed to the Quantum Band users becoming multiversal protectors. As long as things didn't get too crazy out of control I'd be fine with a Quantum Corps, or whatever you call it. Maybe build in an hard rule that there can't be more than 4-6 because of the science behind how the bands work. Keep it to a limited few. But just make sure that they're not all blond haired blue eyed men, or the women are always lesbians or trans. Mix it up.

Lastly, I wouldn't mind if the bands had origins that predate the current multiverse. Let's give them some serious lore. Establish that Eon didn't create them. Maybe make them semi-sentient devices that were created back after the multiverse was first created by beings who originally only intended them to travel across the various shards of the original universe in an attempt to unite living beings across the various planes of existence. The quantum bands parallel the Infinity stones in that they are powerful remnants of a bygone universe. But unlike the stones, the wielders of the QB secretly go about their original mission of trying to unite everyone. In worthy hands, scratch that, on worthy wrists -- like Wendell's or the future Silver Surfer's, perhaps -- the bands reveal their true power and purpose, enabling the wearer to pursue that goal. In the possession of lesser individuals, the bands, while still impressive, would have a very mundane power set comparatively speaking. And those wearers would die off, or somehow lose the bands in part due to the deliberate machinations of the sentience within the bands rejecting said wielder. Imagine a gun with a moral conscience.