Unaware of the escapades of his teammates, Sasheem sat alone in the zen garden built by the now deceased Mr. Lofe in his foolish attempt to earn the good graces of any Snake School remnants should he ever cross paths with one. Heh. A lot of good that did him.

His criminal empire now lay in shambles, his allies and moat of his enemies gone with him. Lofe had was a special case among them all in that his line died with him, and ultimately...he'd be forgotten. His organization's drug trafficking and weapons exporting had been 'halted indefinitely' as Sasheem had shifted their focus into scouring the Earth for information on the lost arts of the Snake School.

There was plenty of dissent...which of course quieted down once Sasheem pointed out that his goal was to wipe out every major crime syndicate on the planet and maybe even beyond. If they continued their unlawful ways, he'd have to wipe them out. They quickly complied, completely unaware that their rest of their time in the land of the living depended entirely on their usefulness.

So far, they had managed to uncover a scant few manuscripts, weathered by time, but partially legible, detailing some of Doku's teachings. Honestly, it wasn't much to go on, but it was a start....at least Sasheem supposed so. Much of what he read had to do with spirituality. How that exactly coincided with The Snake School's original methodology of taking one life to save many, the Majin did not know.

Of course he had taken more than one life...much more, but the principal of it remained the same. Presumably, he had also inadvertently saved many and had a lot of fun in the process. Strangely, a few chance encounters stuck with him in his mind. The Undercover cop, he'd killed along with the rest of his gang. That boy he orphaned. That couple who ran Bing Lao's gang in his stead, their last moments.

What did he feel from these scenes as they played over and over in his mind? It wasn't remorse. He regretted none of it. Was it pity? Could one even feel pity without remorse. Sasheem nearly laughed aloud. So, what was it, exactly? Maybe that's what these spirituality lessons were for. Maybe Doku felt the same things himself and that led him to developing the Yamata no Orochi Fist. Or maybe Sasheem was just bullshitting at the moment.

He doubted he and Doku had much in common, after all, but maybe...just maybe. The Majin glared at the manuscripts more intently, reading their contents carefully. "Look within..." he mumbled aloud. "For the thin lines that divide our reality...the layers between life, death, and beyond...what in the blue hell is that even supposed to mean!?" He grumbled as he closed his eyes. The hunt for Bing Lao could wait. His other major target, the big bird-master himself, could wait. The Majin was engaged in a rare moment of contemplation. Perhaps he could utilize what he's learned in the past few days to ensure his future.