Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu_of_R'lyeh View Post
When the power was passed over, Ishtar relished the feeling, not just of power beyond Genesis, but the balance felt therein. And when her uncle explained, the golden-eyed Oni nodded slow. A means to return to this room, was a powerful thing indeed ...

"I will save it for when it is needed, and not a moment before." Ishtar said then, smiling up at her uncle before he checked the time.

"I understand. Thank you for seeing me, and I am glad to have finally met you ... perhaps in the future such a thing could be more frequent, perhaps when the straits are not so dire."

Collecting her things -- and what Sihn had given -- Ishtar gives her mother, and uncle both a quick hug before giving the nod.

"I am ready to go."

OT: How many HIFL fruit does she have ?
Ishtar, after being hugged back by both, finds herself standing where she was before going to the Office. At her feet is a basket with ten of the familiar fruits in them.