Quote Originally Posted by Angrel-San View Post
The hell?

Cyclops pre Bendis was amazing. He is easily one of the best fictional characters there is.

And is easy to hold that point of view when your favorite character is the Gary Stu of the Marvel Universe and the symbol of "perfection" and everyone must adore him. Trying to speak to other fanbases from that angle is actually not productive, especially when said character is the nemesis/rival of the other character and one of the major reasons why that character is having a hard time.

I don't mind Cyclops haters or Steve lovers personally but let's call a spade a spade, please!!!
No one is saying anyone has to adore anyone - it's a free country. What I'm saying is a) hating a fictional character is futile and a waste of energy b) what constitutes 'best' is subjective and c) you get more accomplished with honey than you do vinegar. It's not Steve's fault he's been pitted against Cyclops now is it? Steve out-dates Cyclops by over twenty years! Fun fact, Cyclops and Steve have a creator in common, Jack Kirby. I seriously doubt Jack ever intended for them to be enemies. Especially as, from Jack's own mouth, Steve was his self-insert. He has legit said in interviews that Steve Rogers is himself, a poor, scrawny artist from the lower east side of New York who went on to be a WW2 hero. You know what else Jack Kirby said:

Since I’ve matured, since the war itself–I’ve always been a feisty guy, but since the war itself, there are people that I didn’t like, but I saw them suffer and it changed me. I promised myself that I would never tell a lie, never hurt another human being, and I would try to make the world as positive as I could. ~ Jack Kirby
And Jack wrote Steve like that, too. Cap was not created to represent the darker parts of humanity, he was invented to represent the light. If you don't like that, fine, but don't be a fly in the ointment of those who do. There is nothing wrong with a classic hero archetype. Just because you prefer anti-heroes doesn't mean that everyone does or has to. Like what you like, no one is saying you can't, just be respectful, man.