Average female Golden Eagle is 11 lbs x 50 = 550 lbs of Eagle
Average Nile Croc is about 850 lbs x 10 = 8,500 lbs of Crocodile
Average coastal Male Grizzly weighs 900lbs x 3 =2700 lbs of Grizzly
Apparently the average for a middle sized Bull is 2,000 lbs x 7 = 14,000 lbs of delicious steak
1 man roughly 160 - 180 lbs
Average male Grey Wolf = 120lbs x 15 = 1800 lbs of wolf
Average Rat weighs 8 ounces 80,000 Ounces = 5,000 lbs of Rat
Average Gorilla = 10 Brock Lesnars... err I mean 350 lbs x 5 =1750lbs of Gorilla
Average Male Lion = 420lbs x 4 = 1680 lbs of Lion

if anyone cares about the bio mass

should also point out that if you can climb a decent sized tree you're more or less safe from everything on this list except the Eagles, Rats, and guy with a gun