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  1. #61
    Mighty Member
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    May 2015


    my boy Nova cant get no love. what the hell man...

  2. #62
    Mutant Bat on Speed Force Fuzzy Barbarian's Avatar
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    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia


    Super late here, but this is an alright month for me.

    EXTERMINATION #1 & #2 (of 5) - Brisson's a good writer and it seems like these little shits will fianlly be shipped off. Only took Bendis jumping ship for it to happen!
    WEB OF VENOM: VE’NAM #1 - Lol, I love that name. Also, Cates' first issue grabbed me, so unless I drop off Venom, I'll give this a go. Hopefully it's also collected in the trade. Premise is kinda generic, but I trust Cates to write engaging stories.
    AVENGERS #6 - Love that cover.
    VENOM #5
    OLD MAN HAWKEYE #8 (of 12)

    FANTASTIC FOUR BY WAID & WIERINGO OMNIBUS HC - YES. Even though I don't like Waid's portrayal of Doom, I liked the scene with Reed explaining the Fantastic Four to Val, and I think I've heard good things about this run, despite how it was almost hijacked by editors. That cover's kinda meh though. Like, what's Ben doing...? And why are they so pissed? But the spaceship... tone is weird.
    X-MEN RED VOL. 1: HATE MACHINE - Accidentally dropped of this series. Don't really feel the need to follow it monthly, but I mostly liked what I read, and I like Jean, so why not?

    VENOM: FIRST HOST #1 (of 5) - Eddie and the symbiote DON'T trust each other? But... they do. So... yeah. Byt teagm depending on how much I get into Cates' Venom, I might give Costa a chance. Read some of his Venom and it was... alright. Even if Lee Price is only interesting as a foil to Flash.
    HUNT FOR WOLVERINE: DEAD ENDS #1 - Depending on who's writing Wolverine #1. Soule is pretty meh now.
    THOR #4 - Because of Del Mundo art, which is pretty but always reads a bit like he's too concerned with showing off.
    TONY STARK: IRON MAN #3 - Because I like Slott's writing.
    SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1 - Bryan Hill is a good writer, though he probably has to dumb himself down a bit for this. I tried reading Miles a few months back and... ugh, hoping it gets better, because the early Bendis stuff is mediocre. Might read this and just read some Miles stuff here and there before getting stuck into Hill's run.
    X-CLASSIFIED #2 - Depending on WTF IT IS! Was expecting a one-shot, and it doesn't seem to be Wolverine's new series (unless that's being released out of order... or these are advanced solicitations, but even then, just give the name and keep the creative team a mystery, since you JUST said there will be a new Wolverine series).

    MARVEL KNIGHTS FANTASTIC FOUR BY MORRISON & LEE: 1234 TPB - I'm... curious. Not sure about Morrison and the Fantastic Four, and that cover doesn't help, but... I'm curious.
    VENOM BY CULLEN BUNN: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION TPB - Actively dislike Bunn's writing, but... maybe. For completion's sake. Plus, I hear okay things about Mania as a character, though I always take that with a grain of salt with teenage characters.
    Favourite characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Cyclops, Jay Garrick, Jamie Madrox, Stargirl, Bucky Barnes, Magik, Jon Kent, Kate Bishop, Booster Gold

    Regular pulls:
    Adventureman, Cable, Fire Power, Green Lantern, Hellions, New Mutants, Thor, Vampire: The Masquerade, Venom, X-Factor, X-Men

    Trade-waiting: Animosity, Black Panther, Captain America, Catwoman, Conan, Daredevil, DCeased, Detective Comics, Hawkman, Immortal Hulk, Redneck, Saga, Skyward, Snotgirl, X-Force

  3. #63
    Mutant Bat on Speed Force Fuzzy Barbarian's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia


    Random thoughts:

    Just when you thought CBR couldn't get any worse at solicitations, annoying galleries for covers! Ugh. I swear, they're actively TRYING to make these bad now.

    Wasn't too keen on Thompson's Hawkeye, and West Coast Avengers' team looks insufferable. Just... I just want to like Kate Bishop again.

    I swear I've seen Punisher #1's cover somewhere. I know Frank's covers are generic af, but still.

    Edge of Spider-Geddon... ugh. Yeah, let's just start a crossover when the new ongoing isn't even in the double digits! Not intimidating or confusing for new readers at all! I still remember my sister getting into comics when Spider-Verse was close to finishing and feeling overwhelmed and annoyed. But hey, I like Spider-Punk's design. The Evangelion Spider-thing is all-around... meh. Also, oh, so Gerard Way can find time to write now?! Ugh.

    So... we're making Cable shorter than Deadpool now? All for Brolin? It's legit distracting to me.

    Omg, Ironheart's new look is so awkward looking.

    I don't think that once series reached "year two", it can still be considered "new", guys. And I LIKE what I've read of Zdarsky's Spider-Man stuff.

    Still not keen on MJ being a superhero in Renew Your Vows. Or Peter, tbh. I just want Annie working things out on her own. Feels like that's more up Houser's alley.

    So... Daredevil and Amazing Spider-Man... heroes fighting their secret identities is gonna be a thing again? Feels weird, since I still have the fake Clark Kent subplot in my head.

    That Life of Captain Marvel cover... what is wrong with Carol's right leg? And her crotch on the variant?

    I guess Ant-Man's stuck in the Negative Zone :P

    Thought Ben and Johnny would be fighting the Maker until I saw the flaming hand. Zombies?

    Dammit, saw that Astonishing X-Men annual and read the solicitation and was like "wait, Cyclops is back?!" Then I remembered Soule's Astonishing X-Men (well, what I read of it). Boooooooo!!!!!

    Oh hey, Dazzler looks like her again. Also, lemme guess: The Reaver's are fans of hers or something.

    More like Dead Man Logan, amirite? But for real, I hope he at least meets Logan and they have a nice interaction where OML tells Logan about some things he should be better about... and I really hope he mentions Cyclops, for when Cyke comes back.

    Holy shit, Cyclops' hair on that X-Men Blue cover looks terrible. Dig the suits though, legit didn't know they changed them (unless this is their future versions, which it seems like it is?)

    Curious about Weapon X-Force (even if that's a dumb name), but I'm not keen on Pak's writing of Sabretooth. But hopefully he at least doesn't start up a crossover and pet project randomly. Seriously, that killed the momentum of the series. Also, Land art.

    Hey, Cowboy Magsie? The way you're using those... you could probably just hold them. At least have more than two, jeez. Also, is it just me, or are they cutting back on the afro-ness of Blink's hair? If so, I approve. Also, hey! The OGs! Also, Morph... you don't wanna be using tentacles to wrap around a woman like that :P

    Jeez, Cap on the Loeb and Sale omnibus looks off.

    I kinda like the idea of these Marvel Knights trades, even if I'd prefer giant trades or something (which Black Panther has, so... yeah), but I guess it's better for people who just wanna give these runs a try. Also, wonder if this means the imprint might come back or something.

    Ummmm... that Infinity Countdown trade seems A BIT expensive (especially since something in it is free)!

    That Planet of the Symbiotes cover is pretty cool, but... um... aren't all the symbiotes in that story (except Carnage) black?

    I feel like Black Manta--sorry, I mean Darth Vader, would die if he were that submerged in water. Also, it's just a funny image.
    Favourite characters: Wally West, Dick Grayson, Cassandra Cain, Cyclops, Jay Garrick, Jamie Madrox, Stargirl, Bucky Barnes, Magik, Jon Kent, Kate Bishop, Booster Gold

    Regular pulls:
    Adventureman, Cable, Fire Power, Green Lantern, Hellions, New Mutants, Thor, Vampire: The Masquerade, Venom, X-Factor, X-Men

    Trade-waiting: Animosity, Black Panther, Captain America, Catwoman, Conan, Daredevil, DCeased, Detective Comics, Hawkman, Immortal Hulk, Redneck, Saga, Skyward, Snotgirl, X-Force

  4. #64
    Amazing Member Zach's Avatar
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    Jun 2014


    Lots of good stuff, but due to budgetary restrictions the only title I'll be picking up for sure is Cosmic Ghost Rider.
    Pull List: Conan the Barbarian

  5. #65
    Mighty Member
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    May 2014


    Does anybody think Old Man Logan will end with 50

  6. #66
    Fantastic Member Mr Abductor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by fin5 View Post
    Does anybody think Old Man Logan will end with 50
    I kind of do, if it doesn't then its in for the long run i guess.

  7. #67
    Fantastic Member
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    Jun 2014


    issue 50 is the last issue but there are furhter plans for both the character and the his world going forward

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