There are supposedly 10 Externals in Marvel 616 , each representing a piece of the “immortal puzzle”:

Selene - Corruption

Apocalypse - Survival

Saul - Wisdom

Nicodemus - Endurance (btw, I think he may be Jewish , considering his Biblical name , his backstory involving supposedly centuries of suffering , and the fact that he looks like an aged Magneto )

Crule - Ferocity (btw, I think he’s either Persian or Indian for some reason , he is the same color as Indra and his design and he’s having apparently worked in a Nazi deathcamp during World War 2, brings to mind his being possibly Ancient Indians or Persians, who were supposedly Aryans)

Candra - Guile

Burke - Fortitude

Gideon - Ambition

Absolom - Despair

Cannonball - Hope

What if Dazzler represented a new trait , which writer/concept originator Fabian Nicieza didn’t think of way back in 1994 , and which is now most relevant in the 21st Century AD , which is Fame/Celebrity/Notoriety/Popularity?

Either that, or Longshot’s canon immortality (from being the perpetually Fallen-and-Risen-One of the Mojoverse —- which is a pocket dimension based on the Rules of Network TV) infected Alison when she was impregnated with Shatterstar (in his original body, before he bodyswapped with his biological grandfather Benjamin Russell — who happened to be genetically identical to him because Throwback Genetics —- in a Marvel-Style closed-loop time paradox)