Quote Originally Posted by JAK View Post
I love that, too. I think I got a poster of it, somewhere (my wife and I went to the fan expo in Canada one year).
They made a poster??

I need it.

Okay, now, I gotta ask: the people saying Clark wouldn't be buff because he's too strong to effectively work his muscles.......come on guys. Think about it. All the heavy lifting on the farm, the wide open miles perfect for running, the quiet off the radar saves requiring stealth, speed, strength, and precision, all the battles against gods, demons, alien armies, manifested cosmic ideas.....think about the broken bones (and yeah, he's had them) and the impossible forces his body has had to literally push against. Clark Kent is a dude who has pushed his physical limits every day of his life. He wouldn't necessarily be gym rabbit swole (and he shouldn't be) but he's going to look rugged. Dude's a lumberjack, he should look like one.