I started hating his run. I couldn't get King's writing at first and would roll my eyes with stuff like Batman holding an airplane, Selina beating Flash or Thomas beating the whole batfamily single handed.

After the revelation of Bane's plan, I became intrigued by it. The War of Jokes and Riddles was an amazing arc. And the issues with Superman and Wonderman were definitely very well written.

The wedding thing was lukewarm, but I still appreciated King's writing. The church issue, the fallout of the wedding and the desert issues were all very well done. I wasn't part of the hating of his run.

After knightmares I grew a little annoyed with King's tropes and the pacing of the run. Too much important stuff happening off panel... Too much poetry being shoehorned into the dialogue... Selina being too perfect... Thomas being too genius... Bat/cat being too repetitive...

Now, I end his run feeling a little sad, because I think it could have been one of the greatest of all time. I really wish the editors had changed some of the artistic decisions that spoiled the fun for me. And I'm still intrigued by how the decision to cut short his run came to be.