Quote Originally Posted by Sacred Knight View Post
The BB thing is just splitting hairs because the New 52 version wasn't the defacto future either. In the end it was just a possible future, a tangent, which makes it not dissimilar from past Beyond continuities in regards to any connection to the main world. The same thing with the Rebirth runs. There were rumors, at least words from Jurgens, in the beginning that it was supposed to be a defintitive DCU future. But it never panned out or went anywhere. In the end New 52/Rebirth Batman Beyond is in the same boat as the original series set in the comics DCAU, in that it is in its own reality, world, tangent, or whatever. It'll just occasionally take concepts from a current main continuity (like it did with Jon Kent).
The Post Future's End books take place in comics continuity not animation continuity and the comics continuity in question is the the New 52 continuity. The event was literally called NEW 52 FUTURES END. It being an alternate future doesn't change the continuity it is set in. It branches from the New 52 continuity and they're still publishing it so New 52 hasn't been abandoned which is what this was all about. They've still maintained Red Hood and the Outlaws brand as well.