Quote Originally Posted by yogaflame View Post
The oldschool arcade game had a Krakoa level.

A modern, immersive game with Krakoa and the portals and all that would be incredible on these next generation consoles coming out. All the physics of all the various mutant powers would probably be a nightmare to render, but I'm sure they could figure it out.

That said, I don't think the MCU should start at the Krakoa nation state level. It's only effective with decades of backstory already established. The MCU X-Men will have to establish their own canon and rules and relationships and all that. I think they should start with like, 18 year old O5ers have already been operating in secret for a couple years(within the 5 year gap in Endgame), so it makes sense that they really aren't on the Avengers/SHIELD/SWORD's radar yet. I want to see their teamwork established over many Disney+ seasons and MCU films.

We haven't even seen the ending of Hickman's Krakoa concept yet. Let's hold off on basing the entire MCU X-Men around it just yet(even if it is interesting so far). We've got plenty of tried and true canon to adapt first.
100 % agree with it all