Quite a packed issue, once again, we get Clark's trademark "hold on a sec" during a conversation where he takes time out to stop a rampaging monster or some other major crisis, we get flashbacks not just to Clark and Lois, but also with Clark and Jon (leading to Clark asking Jon about girls), the conversation with Martian Manhunter is a bit...weird, I kept thinking Clark was hitting on Jo'hn ("i love you", "you look good"), very weird. Jor-El hasn't been forgotten either, as his argument with Clark in MOS is reflected on.

Lastly, I liked that Clark wrote an article on the new fortress of solitude.

Bendis holds off on explaining how the Earth ends up in the Phantom Zone, but given there are flashbacks to Man of Steel in this, I think it'll tie in to how Kara disposed of Zarr, possibly a damaged projector.