Quote Originally Posted by Grindlelord View Post
Winter solider was predictable, there is one plot point I wish winter solider had from wonder woman. reverse who the real villain is and not make it too noticeable. from the moment Alexander pearce shows up, we knew right away he was the villain. the whole bucky talk in the beginning of the film was awful since the more they talked about him, the more we knew he was the winter solider, these were all dead give aways.

MCU movies are too basic but its not like disney denies they are not so I cant really fault them on that judging by disney standards but when I compare it to other comic films with heavier story telling, they are somewhat lacking and by the 3rd arc, its just your MCU explosions and action. DOFP and even TDK managed to hold the drama right till end.
You can't complain it's predictable because you saw one plot point of Bucky being the Winter Soilder as everyone knew that was coming as soon as the title was revealed a year before it came out, it's part of Cap lore, especially when they did throw curveballs in the plot.