Quote Originally Posted by Sharpandpointies View Post
You are killing me with these. ^_^ Awesome.

I'm assuming you mean Chang in either her first book or the end of the last (Markovian Chang), as those are the two where she's actually in human form?*

* I mean, as a Markovian Chang is still essentially 'human' unless she actually wanders into the Central system of the Well World; she just has the added benefit of being effectively unkillable** by anything that can't 'outpower' a universe-level reality warping computer.

** 'Unkillable', not 'unstoppable', so she's very much still 'street level' unless Chaulker's second series loaded her up with powers.
I haven't read all of the second Well World series yet, but I was picturing human Mavra Chang from Exiles at the Well of Souls. Just a highly-skilled thief who is comfortable with overcoming high-tech sensors and defenses.