So much from Johns' Justice League, including but not limited to..

What was the a plan for Superman & Wonder Woman's relationship?
How was Superman/Wonder Woman a threat to the future, at least enough to erase two Booster Golds?
Who was Brother Eye's new programmer? Didn't seem to be the Crime Syndicate ("him") and GRID didn't exist yet.
What happened to Element Woman?
What was the plan for Lex Luthor in the Justice League?
What was the plan for Captain Cold in the Justice League?
What was the plan for Lex Luthor knowing Batman's secret identity?
What was the plan for baby Darkseid?

Some of these might have been answered, I'd completely checked out by Darkseid War, as half of John's Justice League run felt like unexplored/halted ideas or endings changed to reflect the next thing he thought of.