Quote Originally Posted by Cimmerian View Post
What’s really funny is the liberals standing on their soap boxes and acting as if Hillary was the “moral” choice. Oh the lolz.

The woman who, along with her husband and their extremely shady “Clinton Foundation”, (gee, whatever happened to that I wonder?) have been involved in more shady shit than any politician I can recall in recent memory.

The only Trump supporters who think that he’s some kind of Saint are the extreme zealots who think he can absolutely do no wrong. I didn’t vote for Trump because I think he has some sort of outstanding moral character, I voted for him because goofs on the left have been increasingly trying to establish this ridiculous “victim” culture, seem to take offense to anything and everything these days, and are more and more pushing these socialist policies to the front of their platform.

Talk about a losing strategy. Here’s a newsflash for everyone, the majority of Americans fundamentally reject socialism. Be they on the left, right or center. If Dems want to keep pushing and endorsing ridiculous shit like the Green New Deal, it will only serve to push more moderate democrats across the aisle who will hold their nose and pull the lever for Trump in 2020.
Unfortunately, compared to Trump, she was the moral choice. Oh, granted, not by much.

Ya know, there could be lots of things you could invoke as evidence but you had to go for the Clinton Foundation BS, a morass of conservative misrepresentation and playing on people's ignorance.

People I know who voted for Trump generally site his policies. Few of them think he's some any sort of role model or would leave their daughter in a room with him for one second. They wouldn't with Bill Clinton either. But the dichotomy between rich and poor IS becoming an extreme issue.

Actually, among younger voters, a more Socialist approach is becoming more and more popular. The problem is that younger people are the ones least likely to vote. There is also the factor that most people don't even know what Socialism is and is not and that any society that is not pure Capitalism is going to have Socialist elements. What Republicans at the top are pushing for more and more is runaway unrestrained Capitalism, Trickle-down politics and tax breaks for the wealthy, the last of which they have somehow cleverly rewritten as somehow Democrats being for higher taxes.

Most of these anti-Socialist people absolutely want Social Security, Medicare and so on. All I see is Republican leadership doing everything they can to privatize Social Security and Medicare ie. destroy it so their rich investor friends can get richer still while Democrat policies try to help people who are not rich.