Maybe I didn't pay much attention, busy as I was watching anime, college football and NFL football, but it seemed to me that Trump didn't much in the way of rage tweeting over the weekend. Could the passing of George H.W. Bush kept Trump's Twitter thumbs inactive, save for the tribute he released (and I suspect he DIDN'T write) out of respect for our 41st president? With tributes, accolades and memories of President Bush flowing non-stop over the weekend and into the new week, how long before the egomaniacal Trump gets fed up with not being the center of attention which he mistakenly believes is his God given right as occupant of the Oval Office and tweets out something abysmally stupid about either Mr. Bush, his family or tries to steer the country's focus back on him because he hates being in someone else's shadow?

Another question: Watching all the coverage of President Bush, does Trump wonder how he'll be remembered by the country years from now after the Grim Reaper taps him on the shoulder and says "Time's up"? Will there be an incredible outpouring of fondness and emotion like with President Bush, or will he be reviled because of his repugnant nature, of how he divided the country, allowed racism and white nationalism to run rampant, of how he shunned longtime allies while embracing strongmen and dictators?