Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Ellingham View Post
You're right. It's fan-speak for using characters or situations that weren't in vogue in the 1990s.

Basically, not focusing on the nostalgia of 90s / post-Crisis fans.
This is honestly what it seems like to me. In fairness, some of the ways they've phased out post-Crisis characters/elements have been pretty insensitive, so it's understandable that fans of that era could be pissed in certain situations. But to turn around and say that it is Silver/Bronze Age nostalgia run amok seems dishonest as well. Crack open any Bronze Age comic, even one starring Hal, Barry, Kara or Babs as Batgirl, and you are not gonna see something that is similar to their current output. Like, at all. The current DCU in no way resembles the pre-Crisis era.

And bringing some of those elements back have resulted in some damn good comics, and new stuff is present as well. Johns brought Hal back for example, but he also brought a lot of new stuff as well. Ditto Morrison on Batman, bringing back obscure Silver Age stuff while introducing Damian, a ton of new villains, and Batman INC.

Quote Originally Posted by superduperman View Post
I kind of wonder if DC ever regrets the reboot. I can't imagine they were in a good place back then. At the very least, I think they'd do something different if they could. I don't know if there was any way to save the pre-Crisis Superman without some kind of severe overhaul. And I don't know what that overhaul would look like that would be effective. The current continuity problems of Superman come from a number of avoidable decisions. Superman is the one character in which you might actually be better off using head canon. It would probably make more sense than whatever is official canon anyway.
Things must have been dire back then for them to consider it. Most of us have no way of knowing, we weren't there, but with the benefit of hindsight, it doesn't seem like it was a good decision in the long run at all. Most of their creative overhauls of Superman could have been done without a reboot. Moving the fictional universe forward organically would have been preferable, and the character wouldn't be paying for it to this day. Same with Wonder Woman, who may have it even worse.