Here's one:

I kind of like the Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn duology more than I like Green Lantern: Secret Origin. I sort of like how much they focus on Hal being a hot mess, but still capable of overcoming his situation.

Now yeah, Sinestro is definitely not as well written in the Emerald Dawn books, he's too cartoonish compared to how well developed he kind of became later on. Maybe Sinestro's evil became more understandable to us as our own world seemed to grow more incomprehensible - so he got a fairly well thought out version of fascism, in contrast to his pure egomania of yesteryear.

Buuut, with just Hal concerned, I just for whatever reason kind of prefer Emerald Dawn.

I think it's interesting that most post-Crisis revamps kind of stick around - Batman: Year One the most, and I think Byrne's The Man of Steel is making kind of a popularity comeback, but others as well. And then there's Emerald Dawn, just totally eclipsed by Secret Origin. It's interesting.