Quote Originally Posted by Killerbee911 View Post
Using the titans characters absolute does not mean that,That is like saying Flash is a bad character because Firestorm, Killer Frost, Vibe,Wally West, Plastic Man and Wally West are/were his main cast on the TV show, That is like saying Green Arrow is a bad character because they used Deathstroke,Ra Al Ghoul, Deadshot, Huntress,etc and Mr Terrific,Wild Dog,Black Canary, etc, That is like Supergirl is bad character for using Mon el, Martian Manhunter,Brainiac,Jimmy Olsen. It is simply never a bad idea to use proven characters and concepts even for the strongest of character concepts. Especially in the beginning having the titans characters around as support gives him a stronger and more stable start. Cyborg doesn't need the Titans to do well but he does need the Titans or strong cast to get people to stick around for longer and as newer solo concept that is important. Why have character in a shared universe and not use the benefits of interconnected stories.

If you are trying to get people to add Cyborg to their pull list which is the real goal. Then yeah it is smart idea to put a Beast Boy,Raven,Starfire and get some Titans fans or use Brainiac,Cyborg Superman or Thinker from other superhero villain gallery. A character needs to stand on their own at some point but why does a character need to stand on their own from the beginning? Why in the world wouldn't try to attract the widest base fans as early as you possibly can?
1. So in order to make Cyborg supposedly work as a solo character, he needs to have Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy in it? It's funny because none of the titans showed up in Starfire and Raven's books. If that's the case, just make a Teen Titans book lol? He needs to have supporting characters that are exclusively for HIM.

2. And what better way to have a character stand on their own than steal other people's villains. That also defeats the purpose.

I wish people will admit that they're Titans fans and not Cyborg fans because it shows.