Quote Originally Posted by Last Son of Krypton View Post
I consider Tomasi's proper run being just 5 issues (his 1st arc). The remaining 12 issues he wrote were just 1 year-long filler before killing the main Superman. He didn't care much about keep writing a series and relationship that he knew would end in a year.

DC didn't invest much in alternate Earths. Nor it invests much in other characters outside of Batman.
What was the last alternative version of SM/WW as a couple? The Miller's one in the DKIII miniseries that although heavily features the JL it's a Batman book and marketed as such.
But this is my point about Tomasi. Regardless of whether he was there to kill SM and the SMWW book. His take on WW for example in his first arc was not well done because he went a 180 by trying to change the first meet and even Diana's personality. He did not care for the title. Soule left fans with the impression the book was I quote "in good hands" . Sadly it was not. Even if they wanted to finish the series. I'd assume most people taking on a title would at least have some loyalty to the subject matter or understood what they were writing and enjoyed what they were writing. He complained about Diana because he did not know what to do with her or how to incorporate her. How can you take on a series with that approach? Could have given it to someone else. But I guess he took it given he knew what he was going to get.

DC has/had Injustice, Bombshells, JL 3000, several Superman digital titles that went for 6 to 12 issues, several crossover titles with cartoon characters, Earth 2, Sensation Comics, numerous launches and relaunches of B and C characters. My point is...they can very well offer a new 52 Earth because many of these other titles never sold above 20 k. It could easily go as a 12 issue series etc because some of the nonsense DC has done wasting paper for filler....I can only think there is a mandate by the company to keep SM away from WW. Even as a friend. She is being currently put with other Leaguers (eg BM or AM) to try to be their bestest friends than the one character she's been the closest too for decades. I guess if the DK verse expands we could get a crumb tossed at us since Miller doesn't strike me as one to care about haters and editorial won't interfere anyway.