Quote Originally Posted by Lightning Rider View Post
I guess they could borrow a very limited version of the "metahuman thesis" sparking a corporate arms race, and make Lex's goal to turn his middle-sized company into a powerhouse of national security & bio-weapon technology. He'd have to have one or several foils that he can actually defeat. To make it work he'd probably have to make a choice between ultimate success and preserving strained family relationships with his father and/or sister, and he sacrifices that attachment to come out on top and soak in the success. Show him as an innovative thinker constantly trying to prove himself, breaking the rules, and developing an elitist attitude in smallville where he feels restrained before he leaves. And yes, daddy beats him.

All the major companies-Wayne, Kord, and Queen industries are all too connected to heroes to be antagonists. They can get a mention but someone like Simon Stagg should be his biggest competitor. That's a good contrast actually since Stagg won't sacrifice his relationship with his daughter, the morally redeeming quality he has which holds him back from beating Luthor. Ivo and T.O. Morrow are also good candidates.

I think betrayal should be a central theme, with Mercy coming up as the only one willing to get as dirty as he does in order to help his vision. Yeah, this could work.
Just doesn't sound enough like a Luthor movie to me.