The question about the Axis retcon is whether the editors did it under protest or whether they actually liked it. If they hated it they would not say so in public of course - but the retcon does do some things that Tom Brevoort probably likes, like eliminate the issue of how old Magneto's children are supposed to be (for Wanda and Pietro, I mean). Plus it marks them as clearly belonging to Brevoort's Avengers office, though that's probably always been the case (the X-Men line has never been able to use them much unless Brevoort agrees to it).

Most people know Wanda and Pietro as Magneto's children and I think that might create pressure for them to be restored as his children, but the merger won't end the fact that the Avengers office is considered to have dibs on them, and that it's not in the Avengers office's interest to have them re-connected to the X-line.

I admit I have mixed feelings about the family, mostly because I'm still mad that Wanda and Pietro were wasted as supporting characters in Wolverine and the X-Men and not allowed to appear in the Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon, which was constantly writing Wanda out of Avengers stories she originally appeared in. I think the idea that they were Magneto's children first and foremost really hurt them, but the retcon was still stupid. I'd be fine if they undid it as long as it didn't create the impression that Magneto's daughter is the main thing Wanda is.