Quote Originally Posted by babyblob View Post
That is the big problem in the police departments across the country. As I said in the politics thread. The good cops the police chief's etc... all rush to say the actions of this cop dont represent us. But they kind of do when you know cops like this are a ticking time bomb and do nothing to stop it. After all the issues this man had he should not have been a cop let alone a cop on the streets. Everyone talks a bout community boards and such and that is a good thing to have. But what good are they going to do when the police protect their own. it isnt until a very public problem that they act, and even then it is like twisting their are to put a killer cop behind bars.

The DA in the town is still reviewing tape because he is not sure that Chauvin clearly and knowingly violated procedure. WTF!
One of the disadvantages of having a union makes it hard to get rid of guys like that. Try firing a teacher in some states.

The cop who killed my cousin also violated a restraining order by his ex and probably should have been fired.

Also it's hard (depending on what state you are in) to learn about that stuff because all that cop (or school adminstrator) has to do is resign and go elsewhere. It's how they protect that pension.

I know folks yell about cops need report their own.

One of the issue in that is RETALIATION.

While in the hood it might be drive by shootings or straight up killing. That is not the only form of retaliation.

It can be bad or lower than expected evaluations.

Odd reassignments.

Or anything that can be done that does not smell like retaliation to the public.

Because truth be told this crap is being reported.

A lot of times the folks in CHARGE stand in the way of what is right. Been there.

Sometimes the PUBLIC has to take charge. Black Folks need to understand how powerful Freedom of Information Act is.

Especially in the hands of folks with plenty of time on their hands as my former principal learned.