Quote Originally Posted by DragonsChi View Post
One of them isn't the full team but the others are... but you didn't mention the JLA covers which is interesting.

I also think that your idea of a team book is somewhat flawed. But I blame that on how Marvel has been writing them lately. A team book should be the place where you get to see you favorite heroes interact as a TEAM. No one character regardless of role should outshine the other. But lately, mostly in the X-Books, the Leader has been written as the leader singer in a band while the everyone else is their backup dancers. (It's a wonder why Marvel keeps questioning their decreasing sales each year when the answer is staring them in the face so often)

Anyway, in a team setting the covers are just to show the group or members of said group looking cool so the company can peak interest and sell books. There is a multitude of comics where the leader is not front an center. This should not be an ongoing debate.

More examples :

The leader at the time is not in the center of any of these either.

Yeah, Cap barely did anything in that book. He had a solid arch but that was mostly due to the writers way of crafty the story. By enlarge Captain America was forgettable in that story.

But yeah whatever is going to sell books and looks cool is going to be on the cover. A man in bright red and blue colors tends to be eye grabby which is partially what this fuss may be all about.
I ignored the the dc covers because the first is before the team is officially formed if I remember correctly. The second says JL/Aquaman so the cover is accurate with putting him up front. The third doesn't look like a full tea m cover