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    Mighty Member Hush's Avatar
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    Default Hunt For Wolverine : Adamantium Agenda #4 Recap/Review SPOILERS

    As always there will be spoilers, so if you don't want to be spoiled don't enter this thread!!!!!!

    The issue begins with another flashback in Tribeca where Logan wants to speak with Jess, Luke and Spidey without Stark around. He tells them that he asked Stark to make sure his body won't be used for nefarious purpose in case he died.
    Of course since the flashback takes place after Civil War (and the Thor Clone nonsense), the trio is unsure if Logan made a wise decision so Logan ask them to keep Stark in check in case he would cross the line again.

    In the present Iron Man, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Laura are checking Sinister DNA database. Stark is impressed by Sinister work and Laura is disgusted by it but Spider-man finds something interesting about Sinister database : there are no mutants DNA in it.

    Suddently some armed soldiers appears and attacks the team but they are quickly dispatched by the team but there is something much worse someone came here before our heroes, killed everyone and copy the whole DNA database. Jess discovers a strange symbol on one of the dead soldiers that attacked Sinister's fortress: It's the Soteira emblem as we seen it during the last issue of Weapon Lost (on the dead security guard).
    An angry and beaten Sinister appeared and tries to fight the team, but in his condition he's no match for them. Sinister revealed that he doesn't have Logan's body but he has every piece of him in his database. Jess, Spidey and Luke are telling Tony to get rid of this database once and for all while Sinister is begging to him to see the potential of his research.

    We have then another flashback in Tribecca, where Logan is talking with Tony alone and he tells him that the last thing he saw before the explosion was a Stark Logo, basically Tony designed a machine that whould force a hero to sacrifice themselves.
    Tony swears to Logan that he might have designed this thing but he would have never use it but Logan tells him it doesn't matter who made this thing, if the public know that Tony designed something like this it would mean the end of the Avengers and the end of him.
    Logan tells Tony, that maybe it's time to start to act like heroes, to do better and to see the person before the potential.

    In the present, Tony decides to detroy the database and the whole Sinister's fortress once and for all with the help of Jess, Luke, Spidey and Laura.
    Back at Luke and Jess home we meet Danny who is babysitting Danielle and then Tony revealed that he found two things in Sinister's database.
    First he has a revelation for Laura, before destroying the whole he saw something about Laura's genetic file.
    Laura is angry but Tony told her that he found that she's not a clone a Logan, Logan's DNA is indeed present in her body but Sarah Kinney's DNA is also all though her which mean she was was her mother. She's as much Sarah as she is Logan, so in other words she's genetically the daughter of both Logan and Sarah.

    And finally the last reveal, the one that will "bend" the internet (Taylor's words not mine), Tony Stark discovered something in Sinister's database before it explodes :

    One of the X-Men isn't a mutant but has been genetically altered to look like a mutant! That means the X-Men might have a sleeper agent in their ranks!!!!

    Well it's over and the ending was a little lackluster unfortunately. This is a fast read, the art is mostly good but some faces are really uneven but honestly Logan's big secret and the big reveal weren't worth the wait.

    So about these revelations, the Laura's reveal might be problematic if you like how the character was portrayed before the "All New Wolverine" serie and especially what kind of character she was intented to be. Also it seems to be at odd with the theme of the new X-23 serie.
    For anyone who read the All New Wolverine serie, you knew that this reveal was already teased by Taylor during Ennemy of the States II (and even during the Generations One shot) so it's not really surprising.
    If you like how Laura was written in this serie, you will like this reveal but if you're not a fan of Laura's characterization under Taylor's pen you might not like this reveal at all.
    Now if you want my opinion, I thought her origins, as told by Kyle/Yost, were perfect, same for Logan and the Weapon X story by Barry Windsor Smith. This revelation works the same way as the "Wolverine origin" story by Jenkins, it removed something unique about both characters and messed up the impact and the intends of their original "origin" story.
    But yeah that's just my opinion and I'm sure a lot of people will be happy about this reveal and who knows maybe something interesting will come out of it.

    About Logan's big secret? Yeah it was just that he knew that the bomb that exploded in Tribeca was designed by Stark, but honestly I think 99% of the readers already guessed it by now. So what was the point of wasting 4 issues before confirming something we already guessed since the first issue?

    The final revelation was supposed to be the one that was going to "bend" the internet, so one of the X-Men is a traitor and not really a mutant, and might be responsible for Logan's body disappearance.
    I mean if you're going to drop a bomb like this and hyped this issue the way Taylor did, at least tell to the readers the identity of the traitor and that way the reveal might have indeed "bend" the internet. I might sound harsh, but frankly it's not like an X-Traitor is something mindblowing that wasn't done before (Xavier, Bishop, etc...)
    But since it didn't happen in this issue, the identity of the traitor might be revealed in Dead Ends. This reveal could be an interesting development for the character in question or a mess of epic proportion (or if you prefer a "character's assassination").

    All in all, the writing and the art were both uneven, the final reveals were underwhelming and the mini really suffered from some big pacing issues. Some of the character's dialogues and interactions were great even if some characters were kind of useless (poor Luke, he deserved better).
    And again nothing new about Logan's whereabouts but we did learn something about Soteira, she's now in possession of a copy of Sinister's database and she might have a sleeper's agent inside the X-Men (that was teased in the Hunt one shot).
    Right now it might be my least favorite of the 4 Hunt mini so far and frankly it's disappointing when you see the cast of characters and the villain featured in this book.

    Next week we're going to have the last part of Claws of a Killer and this one might give us more clues about Soteira and Logan's resurrection!
    Last edited by Hush; 08-08-2018 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Added a spoiler warning and some new informations

  2. #2
    Mighty Member Hush's Avatar
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    Okay now it's time for all of us to use our little grey cells in order to discover the identity of this sleeper agent! If you remember the Hunt one shot, Beast suspected that one X-Man present at Logan's burial betrayed the X-Men and was responsible for Logan's body disappearance. So basically the reveal in this issue is just a confirmation of something we already suspected (same as Weapon Lost).

    So take a guess who is the X-traitor? (Oh god I have flashbacks from the 90s lol)

    Here are the suspects that were present at Logan's funeral and who knew the location of Logan's body:

    - Kitty (The one who started the Hunt and who discovered that Logan body was missing)
    - Colossus (The one who called Kitty in order to get Logan's body out of the Adamantium shell)
    - Cyclops (Not in good terms with Logan before his death and was wondering if Logan still hated him, currently dead)
    - Doop (Doop's last words to Logan were : "Adios you dark bastard.see you back at the Ranch…")
    - Jubilee (She was deeply affected by Logan's death, she's part of Kitty Squad in Madripoor)
    - Firestar (mysteriously absent since the beginning of the Hunt)
    - Beast (the one who said that there was a traitor among the X-Men and who confirmed that Logan was clinically dead)
    - Storm (the last love of Logan before his death, she was the one who wanted Logan out of his adamantium shell in order for him to have a proper burial)
    - Rogue (currently in Madripoor with Kitty's team)
    - Nightcrawler (Logan's "brother" and best friend, he wasn't present at the burial but he knew where Logan's body was)

    One of them might not be a mutant and might be responsible for the disappearance of Logan's body! The Dead Ends one shot should give us the answer but in the meantime try to guess who betrayed the X-Men (again sigh)!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Hush; 08-08-2018 at 12:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member Tycon's Avatar
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    Sooooo the "big twist" is a stolen plot point from Young X-Men.


    So far the big reveals have been wet farts. Everyone's gonna forget about what Logan did in Weapon Lost two months from now. Laura being Sarah and Logan's actual kid doesn't actually change the dynamic of their relationship because both parents already saw her as their just changes terms around for the fanbase. Actually, it renders a lot of storylines pertaining to Laura's struggles as a clone really.....meaningless. And I'm talking specifically about those "Do clones have souls?" stories. We already know the big twist in Mystery in Madripoor, so I'm just hoping Claws of a Killer delivers.
    Last edited by Tycon; 08-08-2018 at 09:26 AM.

  4. #4
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    I think the Laura revelation makes a lot of sense for a couple reasons:

    First and foremost, it plugs a 15-ish year-old plothole. It never made sense that Laura would look like Sarah if all of her DNA was taken from Logan. This helps explain the resemblance.

    Second, it was established right in Innocence Lost that the X chromosome was still damaged, which means Sarah had to use SOMETHING to repair it. With Laura being created "off books" it's plausible Sarah couldn't have used whatever donor bank the Facility established, so she used another available source: herself.

  5. #5


    X-23’s revelation was just unnecessary and dumb. It changes nothing really and just takes away from Laura’s origin and struggles in the beginning. Just like Gentle, Tom Taylor just can’t help himself retconning characteds to be more uninteresting.

    Now I’m really curious about the fake mutant.

  6. #6
    Invincible Member Havok83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luckystar. View Post
    X-23’s revelation was just unnecessary and dumb. It changes nothing really and just takes away from Laura’s origin and struggles in the beginning. Just like Gentle, Tom Taylor just can’t help himself retconning characteds to be more uninteresting.

    Now I’m really curious about the fake mutant.
    IA. Logan has multiple kids. What made her special was the clone backstory and the struggles that came along with that and learning to be her own person. This revelation was unnecesary and now she's just another kid. The core aspect of her is now gone and I dont think it was a wise decision

  7. #7
    Incredible Member Gylfie's Avatar
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    Second HUSH's option on this mini.
    Really a disappointing read!! Laura's origin reveal is unnecessary! Removing her clone status hurts her character more than it serves her IMO.
    The fake x-man
    A bad attempt to bring Cyclops back? If this Cyclops was fake, than the one in DoX might be fake also? And the real cyclops is Soteiras prisoner! Lol! Just kidding!
    Last edited by Gylfie; 08-08-2018 at 10:35 AM.

  8. #8


    Regarding the Laura reveal, I feel the same way about it as I do about "The Draco": it doesn't ruin the character, but it does undermine their struggle and overall theme. Laura already viewed Sarah and Logan as her mother and father, it's been a long road for her to get there (especially with Logan), and deciding to reveal them as her "real" parents just seems like a grab for sentiment. It's hardly the worst thing Taylor could have done and don't think any less of his work on ANW for it. But it was completely unneeded.

  9. #9
    BAMF!!!!! KurtW95's Avatar
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    What a damn joke. Taylor continues to prove he doesn’t understand the character. Hopefully this is retconned back sooner rather than later. I absolutely hate the idea of X-23 not being Logan’s clone. Logan already has kids. Being a female clone makes her unique.
    Good Marvel characters- Bring Them Back!!!

  10. #10
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    So the the fake mutant is ink ?

  11. #11
    Incredible Member Gylfie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KurtW95 View Post
    Logan already has kids. Being a female clone makes her unique.
    This. So much this!!!

  12. #12
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    There is an X-Men who isn't a mutant but has been genetically modified to appear like a mutant.

    It's Ernst (who is also Cassandra Nova Xavier)
    Ernst isnt a real mutant. Her body is the synthetic body of Stuff, an Imperial Shiar Guard shapeshifter

  13. #13
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    Those stories of her being a clone still happened, they still inform who she is, and now there is a strong disincentive to repeat those stories.

    Now there has to be a new angle on X-23. This could lead to an evolution.

  14. #14
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    delete please
    Last edited by lurkerforyears; 08-08-2018 at 10:19 AM. Reason: double post

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disciple of Redd View Post
    Those stories of her being a clone still happened, they still inform who she is, and now there is a strong disincentive to repeat those stories.

    Now there has to be a new angle on X-23. This could lead to an evolution.
    It's funny how people think that this is like throwing a switch, and suddenly Laura is going to completely change her outlook on her life and existence. Y'know, rather than just complicate and confuse her sense of self even FURTHER. For all we know this IS going to be part of what Tamaki explores in her book, but she didn't want to step on Taylor's toes before the reveal here. None of the doubts or musings on her nature in that book are invalidated by this; She's still the product of genetic experimentation and engineering rather than "natural" birth, and that won't change her sense of "otherness." It gives her something new to wrestle with as she tries to figure out her place in the world.

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