Quote Originally Posted by Drops Of Venus View Post
You're way too focused on what's written on page when racial coding can, and usually is, done through visual medium.

It's true that Namor isn't actually, canonically asian, but the fact that he looks asian enough that comics have actually acknowledged that (even if in racist ways :x) is where the coding impression comes from.

Here's Namor being called ''squinty'' because of his asian-like eyes, for example:

Maybe you don't see it, but lots of people have. There is a reason why asian fancastings for him were so popular. In fact, the asian reading of Namor is so strong even among creators that Greg Pak actually created an AU version of Namor called Namor Miyamoto for his X-Treme X-Men comic.
I grew up thinking Namor was Asian, he never looked like a white man to me and I never ever read his comics.