Quote Originally Posted by batnbreakfast View Post
WOuld it not make sense to bring Hela and Thanos together since he "courts Death"? Maybe Cate Blanchett only wanted to do one movie? Maybe Thanos AND Hela would be too powerful for even the Avengers?
Well, there's precedent in the comics for Thanos and Death, and Hela is an aspect of Death (and they've toyed with Hela-Thanos in some recent story, I guess?) so it makes some sense that way. But the MCU Thanos isn't chasing after Death, he's trying to manage planetary populations and prevent a universal resources crisis, not get down with some chick. Having him get with Hela could be interesting, but it wouldn't be the same dynamic as what we see in the comics at all.

Still, Cate Blanchett isn't an actress you waste, especially in a one-dimensional one-off role like Ragnarok's Hela (her performance is the only reason the character wasnt the absolute worst). Hela could easily have survived the destruction of Asgard. And I'd definitely like to see her return.

The biggest question, it seems to me, is whether Thanos is worth bringing back after Avengers 4 (regardless of where the story leaves him). It took years to build up to Infinity War, and that movie accomplished the impossible by making the wait worthwhile. Whatever happens in the next movie, however it all plays out, will it leave anything worth saying about Thanos in its wake?