Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
To be honest I'm expecting if Clint gets thrown in jail it's for something that happens in the series and not from Ronin. Because they're basing it on the Fraction run.
You're probably right. Seems like world leaders weren't terribly interested in stopping Clint while he was on his rampage, I doubt anyone really considers him a priority after the fact. Well, except for all the crooks he pissed off anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by Mik View Post
Depends on the ending. Steve's was happy but I didn't like it because it was OOC. Tony's wasn't but it was still
Eh, Steve's arc was pointing in this kind of direction since Winter Soldier. He proved across several films that retiring with Peggy is absolutely within his characterization. Running the risk of living in the past is simply the next step in a journey that started with taking down SHIELD, defying the UN, etc. Cap always did what he wanted, even in his first film where he goes against orders to rescue Bucky and the other POW's from Hydra.

And Idk if Clint deserves a happy ending. He keeps saying he retired but he ran out of retirement to join Team Cap despite his whole "muh family" thing. Then he goes out again and becomes a killer for no good reason. And 2 heroes sacrificed themselves for his sake. How did he earn a happy ending?
I feel like if Clint's story ends with him divorced and/or in jail, it renders the entire struggle moot. Everything he did, he did to make the world a better place for his family (whether he was misguided, wrong, or whatever). If he doesn't overcome and get that happy ending, then what's the point of his entire narrative?

Besides, he's the Everyman of the Avengers. People want to see those guys get the happy ending.

Right vs legal is a potentially interesting storyline, but idk if Marvel will go far enough with. Like I've said earlier, Marvel is inconsistent.
I figure the best we can expect is a "F&tWS" level of commentary. Which is deeper than most Marvel films/shows, but still a shallow dive into a highly complex and complicated topic.

Quote Originally Posted by Chris0013 View Post
Gotta counter that particular point...His family was killed and he was emotionally traumatized and compromised. He started killing criminals who he felt did not deserve to live when good people like his wife and kids died.
Agreed. Clint had a pretty good reason for going full blown Punisher.