Quote Originally Posted by TurboTaj View Post
I'm genuinely curious about your opinion based on the bolded section.

What would be your position about an asian person who was raised by a white family in the UK only speaking English who later in life surrounded themselves with "asian things"? (I couldn't think of a better phrase.) That person was not raised in an asian culture and does not speak the language. However, I assume it would be fair to say that person is simply connecting with the culture associated with their race/ethnicity? If that is an agreed position we can reach, then would Psylocke also not simply be connecting with the culture associated with her asian body?

And it would differ from Rachel Dolezal because Psylocke was actually physically asian while Rachel Dolezal was pretending to be black.
My position of an Asian race by a family of any ethnicity is a bit biased. Coming from a Military family where a good 55% of my relatives are all multi-ethnic including myself is giving me a bit of a window into this. So my biological granmother is a French/South African White woman, My Grandfather was half Black-Half Blackfoot Cherokee. My Dad is all of those. My Mother is black and Haitian mix. I'm all of those things But I look like a darksinned black male. I can literally pick and choose which of those ethnicities I wish to Identify with, and I choose them all. However I wasn't brought up Haitian, nor French/South African. I was surrounded all the time By my Black, Native, and some white cousins. I do have a Dream catcher lol. But that's because I love owls. I wear the Owl Goddess on my neck, but I'm an Atheist. I also wear an Athena pendant with it. I do some things "associated" with northern white americans, and mostly hang out with a mix of ethnic groups.

I speak many languages because my background was from many of those languages. In Philly We have a high Puerto Rican population and many of my cousins are Puerto Rican and Dominican. I speak like them when I'm around them, which is a lot lol. My curiosity about my past leads me to collect mementos about it, and travel to explore those connections. If an Asian raised by any other race was in that situation then more power to them. I'd want them to be like me in that regards and seek out your past and learn from it.

As far as her ALWAYS surrounded by asian motifs it wasn't every single issue, but when it was it was played up on moreso than any connection to Englad outside of silly ass catch phrase Git words the bashers could think off in their noddy states of ass hatery. That would be a legit use of UK/Scottish English rather than her saying a common slang term to show she's a Brit. Mention a town with foods from that area, mention a beer like Fentimans (Which is amazing), stuff like that.