I have a pretty dark sense of humour sometimes and have to bite my lip to stop laughing at a lot of horror flicks

Hitchhiker from TXCM cracks me up as does the ending when Marilyn Burns escapes. The first two TXCM have VERY dark anarchic humour. Apparently society and its laws WONT protect you from madmen as many victims of violent crime have discovered.

We need to talk about Kevin. Mum knows her boy is a psycho but the idiot dad still thinks he's a "sweet little boy" not seeing the "mask" he wears...

The descendants : "the horror of family"! Son is a lazy, spoilt pot-head , daughter is mentally disabled and doesn't fit in with the other kids. Dad is useless, mum is going out of her mind. All her money and fame as an artist can not prevent this. Son deals with family crisis by smoking MORE dope!

What horror flicks crack YOU up?