chess 3 hires.jpg

Hello all,

I'm looking for a way to introduce a new character which we developed around an artist. We started a new storyline and got an illustrator who committed to creating a unique, workable character. She is called Chess and is an intergalactic creature from the planet Naetis (which we call Giesler 667 Cc on Earth). She has Geeks who help her with everything, and enable her to become the first intergalactic sensation in music.
She already released her first single "Freak Of A Geek" on all known platforms and her story will continue to develop alongside her music.

Can this forum be an interesting place to introduce such a character? We are so proud of the illustrator's work and love for this new found character to take of in any way.
Hope this isn't considered spamming or advertising.
Thank you for your input!