Wonder Womans greatest villain, Ares the god of war has seen a fair amount of differing interpretation over the years.

Ruler of an expansive space empire across the astral plane. God in exile plotting to reclaim his throne. Trapped in another dimension with his family waiting for the chance to return to Earth and become its god. Ruler of Olympus with other gods at his beck and call. Grandfather of Wonder Woman. Master manipulator. Doomed fool. Unlikely ally. Evil fiend. Teacher. Imprisoned with love by his own will.

His appearance also differing quite a bit over the years, one of the few consistencies has been that he is empowered by wars and fighting. With peace being his antithesis.
His powers constantly altering, hes gone from being utterly invincible and indestructible to having an army of those who have fallen in war (regardless of whether or not they were soldiers.) Being capable of bestowing powers to others. Transforming to massive size. Manipulating and controlling those who have war in their heart. Possessing an indestructible armor. Transforming himself and others. And being a master of any tool used in war.

He has a number of children which has included Deimos, Phobos, The Duke of Deception, The Lord of Conquest. The Earl of Greed. Eris/Strife (When she isn't portrayed as his sister), Harmonia, Eros, The Crow Children, Lyta Milton, the Silver Swan.

And various minions of his family which has over the years in various media included Doctor Psycho, Doctor Poison, Hermes, Hercules, Angle man, Nubia, Moot. Even bronze age Artemis.

With all of this, Ares has at his disposal most of Wonder Womans most powerful and dangerous villains under his thumb. Power rivaling if not surpassing the likes of Darkseid. And alot of potential for being a good villain for Wonder Woman to oppose.

So on that note, heres a thread to appreciate Ares.