A thread for speculation on how the final film of Phase 3 will be resolved. Not necessarily your thoughts on the complete story, just elements or moments you think would be smart to happen.

A lot of the focus has been on the Time Stone, as if everything can be resolved if they only get their hands on that. People suppose that Doctor Strange has fiddled with the Time Stone, and it will be used to go back in time before the snap, and cause it to be undone. How they cause this is somewhat vague.

I think it's more complicated than that. I do believe that between the Quantum Realm and the Time Stone, there will be time travel involved. I could see revisiting every movie where a time stone was introduced, probably for the purpose of re-collecting them all. But I think all the stones, not just the Time Stone, will be required to ultimately undo what Thanos had done. For instance, everyone dusted was sent to the Soul Stone and will return from it, including Gamora. I also wonder about that picture we see of Tony Stark with Cap and Ant Man, where he looks to have grey hair. The speculation is that is future-Stark, but his hair always looked more blond to me, and I wonder if it's not alternate-reality-Stark summoned by the reality stone. It's conceivable Loki did something with the Space Stone while it was in his possession that will prove pivotal.

If I was a script writer on this show, I would not overlook the fact that there are six stones and six original Avengers. I'm not sure how I blend that coincidence together, but this is certain to be the swan song for those six, at least as single team, so it seems like an appropriate send-off somehow.

The first new team-up I would expect to see is Ant Man and Captain Marvel, and between them set the stage for the rest of the story to unfold. I also expect Captain Marvel to be instrumental in defeating Thanos, though I think it will take herself and the six stones to finally do it. I would also expect Marvel to be responsible for the final disposition of the stones, whatever that may turn out to be.

I don't look for Thanos to die. I'd expect he becomes stone statue Thanos with the tear in his eye.

Your thoughts?