Quote Originally Posted by Cyke View Post
Nog went from one of the most annoying characters to one of the best developed and most fleshed out characters in all of Trek. Eisenberg put a lot (A LOT) of work into Nog's transformation. Love him and his work.

My condolences and best wishes to everyone who knew him.
Don't forget he also wrote a few Star Trek comics. I want to say he did that while Malibu had the rights to Star Trek. I want to say it was a mini around the time Mark Leonard did one.

Yeah, DS9 Worf is much more realized than TNG Worf by a long shot.

I was watching a youtube video about the worst supporting characters in Trek, and a good chunk (maybe even a majority) came from DS9. But likewise so was the list of best characters. It then dawned upon me that DS9 really could afford to have both simply because it had such a large supporting cast compared to the other shows -- it was so nice to have that variety that can even allow for both the best and the worst to be on the same show. And of course, even the worst characters had the best to work with. A rising tide lifts all ships.
Going by the final four season-you had to use that supporting cast. Heck you could have made a FLEET of spinoffs off of them alone.

Nog in Starfleet academy
Jake doing WHATEVER he did when we didn't see him.
Red Squadron
Cassidy and her smuggling
A series in either the Klingons or Cardassians.

It's funny the Borg NEVER bothered them.