Who needs a budget anyway?

This poll we do weekly, join in! Last time around Shanghai Red took the win, well deserved in my view.

Let's see what's up this week: Die Die Die has a mysterious third issue, The Last Siege begins the second half of its story, New Lieutenants of Metal is ending as scheduled, Paper Girls ends its current 'season' on a massive cliffhanger, Paradiso finishes a storyline, Redlands begins a new arc, and Spawn starts the countdown to issue 300.

New this week:
1. Blackbird is the new Sam Humphries/Jen Bartel comic set in a neo-noir Vegas it looks like. The hook is, our main character is capable of seeing otherworldly demons and stuff, but nobody else can. Is she crazy? Nope. She's totally right, there's unthinkable monsters out in the open - and nobody believes her. Fiona Staples drew the alternate cover for this, but the main one (below) is gorgeous too.

2. Dead Rabbit looks like the inverse of Luke Cage to me. A Boston hoodlum who laid low after doing his "one last job" and surprisingly wasn't caught. Now though, he's back at it again. Should be a violent romp.

3. Errand Boys is a new mini-series, with a great tagline: "The only thing weirder than outer space, is family". This one's about running the dirty jobs for dirtier aliens, the life of the Errand Boys is not one to envy. Woof, and you thought our job market was tough!

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