Wanted to set up a thread on what I feel is one of the underutilized relationships in the X-Books.

In the early days of the Claremont/Lee run Gambit & Wolverine had a great dynamic together which started out as a rivalry between two maverick lone wolf types that where basically fighting it out to be the Alpha. The rivalry softened over time and it became more playful with the young buck trying to get a rise out of the old man and the old man reminding him that experience and discipline can more than match youthful exuberance.

Sadly post Fatal Attractions in the late 90’s this relationship has largely been left as a thing of the past, other than the odd writer (namely Liu) picking it up again. If we are about to enter a new era of X-Books would readers be interested in seeing this dynamic back.

What are your favorite Logan and Remy moments?